
Why don't we display the GPa value of our poles ? 

At AIRADIK, it is true that you will not find the GPa value of our poles. 
But for what reason ?  
Simply because we want to be as transparent as possible with our customers.  
Indeed, the GPa value indicated by some suppliers corresponds to the stiffness of the carbon fiber used to manufacture the poles and not to the stiffness of the poles, marketing nuance... 
A little simplified explanation : 
A carbon telescopic pole is a set of tubes of different diameters that slide into each other and are held together by mechanical elements (clamping rings). 
Stiffness is the resistance that a pole will oppose to torsional or shear forces. More commonly, this can be imagined by the bending of the pole under its own weight. 
Maximum rigidity is achieved by the combination of multiple factors. The choice of carbon used to make a tube is essential, but not only. 
Depending on the need, a carbon wire can contain between 1000 and 48000 fibers, each of which is about 5 to 10 μm in diameter. It is the combination of the quality and diameter of the fiber that will allow it to obtain the best rigidity. 
A tube is made by a clever weave of carbon threads bound together using an epoxy or polyester resin. 
For the manufacture of a tube with great rigidity, it will be necessary to deal with : 
- the quality and diameter of the fiber 
- the number of fibers in the yarn 
- the direction of weaving/crossing of the threads 
- the quality and type of resin to bind the fibers 
- the thickness and diameter of the tube 
- the tube manufacturing process (filament winding, draping, pullwinding) 
- … 
We can therefore see here that the rigidity of a tube is due, not to a single element (the stiffness of the fiber expressed in GPa) as some would have us believe, but at least to the various factors above. 
As the boom is made up of a set of tubes, all these factors must be defined for each of these tubes in order to obtain optimal rigidity. 
And since it would be too simple to guarantee a rigid pole with the above elements... There are still the following elements to consider : 
- Length of shank of unfolded tubes 
- Clearance between the tubes 
- Rigidity of the clamping rings 
- … 
To conclude, the extreme stiffness of our poles is achieved through the combination of all the factors mentioned above, and not only through the GPa value of carbon fibers...  
It is therefore, for example, quite possible to have a pole composed of carbon fibers of a very high value in GPa less rigid than a fiberglass pole. 
If you still want to know the value in GPa of the carbon fibers used to make our poles, do not hesitate to ask us, we will be happy to share them with you !